Largest cities in Sekami

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Sekami Largest Metropolitan Areas

This article ranks the sekami's largest cities, in population or land area, using a variety of ranking methods. The question of determining the world's largest cities does not allow a single, simple answer. It depends on which definitions of "city" and "size" are used, and how those definitions are applied. Complex political/cultural/social situations, sometimes controversial or disputed, further confuse the discussion. Debate on this field is highly vulnerable to bias or manipulation, as people tend to prefer whichever definition most flatters their own city. The "size" of a city can refer to either its land area or, more typically, its population. Below are the most favored ranking types and a historical record of the largest cities in Sekami.

Metropolitan Area

One concept which measures the world's largest cities is that of the metropolitan area, which is based on the concept of a labor market area and is typically defined as an employment core (an area with a high density of available jobs) and the surrounding areas that have strong commuting ties to the core. There is currently no generally accepted, globally consistent definition of exactly what constitutes a metropolitan area, thus making comparisons between cities in different countries especially difficult.

Rank Metropolitan area Country Population Area (km2) Population density (persons/km2)
1 Shinkyo  Nakahara 41,236,443 22,458 1,836
2 Katajima  Nanami 31,798,060 9,408 3,379
3 Sekko City Template:Country data Sekko 30,425,811 23,536 1,292
4 Aoyama  Nanami 30,864,435 13,214 2,300
5 Meriah Template:Country data Sundanesia 27,482,010 3,225 8,251
6 Hanseong Template:Country data Seomil 26,523,553 3,023 8,773
7 Shenyang Template:Country data Guanzhong 25,455,650 4,092 6,220
8 Bombay Template:Country data Bangalore 23,420,453 2,246 10,427
9 Pindi Template:Country data Mughal 23,019,599 3,900 5,902
10 New Rotterdam Template:Country data Stanford 22,901,573 13,828 1,656
Los Santos Template:Country data Stanford 14,940,388 6,299 2,400
Nagawa-Kara-Fujiyoshi  Nakahara 14,707,253 7,686 1,914
Akashima  Nakahara 12,832,993 7,499 1,711
Fourgassie  Endymion 6,729,012 6,302 1,067

Proper Population Area

Rank City Country Population Area (km2) Population Density (People/km2)
1 Liberators City Atlantic Federation 18,060,060 ---- ----
2 Okatabawashi City Okatabawashi 11,201,101 ---- ----
3 Nanohana Nakama 10,002,910 2,752 3,600
4 Kaijo Teiko 8,567,415 ---- ----
5 Meriah Karasem 8,390,102 ---- ----
6 Cibebek Karasem 4,295,980 ---- ----
7 Rakuzan Teiko 4,102,362 ---- ----
8 Nagawa Nakama 3,119,416 355 8,787
9 Chilaibourg Sainte-Croix 3,143,250 127.5 24,651
10 Atarashima Nakama 2,819,022 201 14,025
11 Aichi Nakama 2,204,492 291 7,576
12 Yashi Nakama 2,013,901 749 2,689
13 Bastilia Histalpol 1,842,150 --- ---
14 Chiba Nakama 1,819,901 602 3,022
15 Fujiyoshi Nakama 1,549,101 570 2,718
16 Kazahana Nakama 1,404,193 1,034 1,358
17 Kyota Nakama 1,309,123 640 2,046
18 Miyazaki Nakama 1,289,091 571 2,258
19 Beika Teiko 1,193,513 ---- ----
20 Darsingborough Histalpol 1,163,700 ---- ----
21 Sheford Goverland 716,845 --- ---
22 Port Andrews Goverland 309,592 --- ---


These cities must require a population greater then one million

Largest Sekami Cities in History

This list shows the largest cities in Sekami in history, these cities must have reached a peak population before 1900 C.E

City Country Population Year at peak popualtion Notes
Shizugashiro Nanami 829,483 1890 Shizugashiro was one of the major cities under Kawaei Shogunate until the beginning of Nanami Empire. in 1890 the city begin to decline and suffer the riot in 1903 causing it lost its population by 70%. Current population of Shizugashiro is 306,594.
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